Daystar Church – Hunter Hills Campus

Greensboro | NC

Daystar Church is a thriving, multi-campus ministry with a mission to do “whatever it takes to make Christ followers who grow, connect, serve, and partner together.” The church acquired a 15-acre property with an existing church facility and immediately began to strategize how they could bring new life into the campus.

Working with CCL Associates and Equip Studio, the church began by demolishing an existing Sunday School building with the goal of rebuilding a vibrant, two-story Education building in its place. A new lobby was included to interface between the existing sanctuary and the new Education building, while also providing an effective space for fellowship and community. Meanwhile, the existing sanctuary received a total interior transformation. The previously-sloped floor was leveled, traditional pew seating removed, AVL upgraded, and we gave the entire worship space a 45-degree rotation to better accommodate the traffic connection to/from the new lobby.



Square Footage:

25,000 SF
28,000 SF

Image Credits:

Brian Erkens